Off to the pit - In the extension Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt the development team from Bethesda sends you into (un)known territories. For the first time, you can leave the borders of the Appalachian Mountains behind and take a trip to the mysterious world of Pittsburgh.
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New challenges
Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt is a free update that presents The Pitt as a new explorable area. Instead of the completely freely accessible city, this is a slightly smaller version that you can roam through to complete repeatable challenges. Fans of the action series in the post-apocalypse of Bethesda can still look forward to a reunion. After all, The Pitt, as Pittsburgh is called by the looters, was one of the big cities in Fallout 3 that players had to fight their way through. The ruins of the city are now a field of rubble where various factions fight over every last useful crumb.

Beware of the enemy in Fallout 76
On the one hand, there are the aforementioned looters who steal everything that isn't bolted to the floor. They may not look like it, but they know how to handle a weapon and they don't like unfamiliar faces! On the other hand, the union is fighting for dominance in Pittsburgh and is always looking for new recruits who will sacrifice themselves for their cause in battle.
In addition, creatures such as the Trogs roam the streets of Pittsburgh. These mutants usually move on all fours and are fast, agile and damned bloodthirsty. Careless visitors are quickly consigned to the next menu by the trogs and hunted down with corresponding bloodthirstiness and relentlessness. There are also other dangers waiting in the shadows, but you'll realize that when you set foot in The Pitt yourself.
Jump start
With Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt, Bethesda is delivering a few new features to make it easier for beginners in particular to get to grips with the game world. Among other things, new players can look forward to improved starting equipment and a polished version of the Whitespring Resort. Here they will also find lots of random missions so that they can let off steam in the Appalachian Mountains before embarking on the not exactly easy exploration tour through The Pitt.
Experienced players should also make their way to the Whitespring resort. After all, they can use the daily random quests to improve their favor with the so-called responders, who are in charge at Whitespring. The responders also have a Vertibird in their possession, which is the only Road to Pittsburgh represents. You need ultracells to be able to take a flight and you can only get them if you complete the corresponding missions for the responders.
With an Ultra Cell, you can then take a trip to The Pitt to face the challenges there. However, you should not start the expedition with a School trip or a camping trip. The Pitt is a brutal place and careless adventures quickly end in crossfire... or as a feast for the trogs. That's why you should be at least level 50 before you enter Pittsburgh.

Exploration thirst quencher: Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt brings a lot to the table
Bethesda has already announced that Fallout 76 - Expeditions: The Pitt will not be the only challenge you can take on along with other adventures in the Fallout MMO can contest. Something big and exciting is coming your way. We're talking about the Nuca Cola World Tour, which will also be delivered to your refuge as an update. The exact scope of the expansion is still unclear, but it is certain that everything will revolve around the popular soft drink. After all, it has a firm place in the Fallout series. So if your trips to Pittsburgh have left you parched and in need of a refreshing change of pace, be sure to keep your eyes peeled and see what the next few weeks have in store for you!
Tips for the wasteland
Not all scrap is the same: Loot, loot, loot... Don't be squeamish when collecting items lying around. Everything in Fallout can be converted into usable materials that are needed for building and modding.
Your inventory is limited: Make sure that you regularly clear your inventory of junk and unnecessary items so that your weight doesn't become your downfall on the road. In the worst case, a bag that is too full of great things will make you very slow, which is very counterproductive in a dangerous situation.
The right building site for your camp: The small wonder box with which you can set up your camp should be set up in strategic locations. Use slopes, trees or buildings that can hide your camp. Pro tip: Deathclaw Island is a very poor strategic location. However, if you have done so, you can dismantle your camp with just a few clicks and set it up again somewhere else.
Stay fit with food and drink: Eating and drinking regularly keeps you happy... and you have smaller waistlines as a result... *badumz*
Keep an eye on stamina points / AP: Important character actions require stamina points. If you have none left, decisive actions cannot be carried out or are interrupted in an unfavorable way. You are therefore well advised to put a few more points into your stamina.
The colors of the map: If you take a closer look at the map, you will notice that it contains colored areas. Imagine if raiders and responders were the only enemies... that would be very boring. In Fallout 76, red is also a signal color that can literally end the flow of the game with acute blood diarrhea. So - especially at the beginning - do NOT run into these areas. The toxic valley (green) is best suited for levels 1 - 15. You'll find out the rest for yourself 😉 By the way, there is a map with great features here.
Be active: Are there fights nearby? Take part! Experience points and rewards are waiting for you.