



Outworlder ★ 2D survival and exploration in a team


Outworlder is a seemingly crazy mixture of 2D adventure, sandbox construction game and science fiction. On closer inspection, however, the components form an interesting whole. The players crash-land their spaceship on an alien planet. In order to fly back to the stars, all the resources available on the planet must be used. Sounds like a classic Set-up game? Not quite!

To the stars? Yes, but first eat

Before work can begin on a return to space, the first night has to be survived. Surrounding trees provide wood to build a small hut and make a fire. A more intensive exploration of the surroundings shows: Nature also provides something to eat. A look beneath the surface reveals a small deposit of iron ore. Players can use it to make a workbench. It will be the Center of creation for the first season. So far, so normal.

Am I not alone here?

Players find out that Outworlder is different from a classic survival game when they meet non-player characters (NPCs) for the first time. The players are not the only ones stranded. In fact, there are many NPCs roaming the world. The survival game turns into a collaboration simulation. Newly found friends can be deployed as farmers, technicians, guards or scientists, depending on their skills.

It doesn't take long before entire Expeditions set off to explore the planet. Thanks to the development system based on cooperation, the Players build and manage entire colonies. Soon, electricity and infrastructure are needed not only to keep the bustling society alive, but also to encourage technological progress.


Exploration also continues in space

Behind Outworlder is a fresh team called Igloosoft, which is working on its first work. How the Player figure they also want to aim high. Because once the first new spaceship has actually been built, the game is far from over. The studio promises that players will be able to continue playing in space. Even an entire space fleet that explores other planets is conceivable. A multiplayer mode for up to 32 players has also been announced.

You can buy the game here:

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All images used in this article come either directly from the publisher or developer, for example from official press kits, from public sales pages of the game or program mentioned, or from own photographs taken at events, trade fairs or thematically appropriate occasions with the consent of the persons shown. Freely accessible content that is expressly intended for public use or images generated from licensed accounts using AI may also be used. The rights to the images shown are held by the respective rights holders, such as publishers, developers, photographers or content creators. The publisher or developer is explicitly named in each article, and at least one external link to relevant pages of the game, publisher or developer or to other thematically relevant content is included. All images are used exclusively in the context of journalistic reporting.




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