
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter



Dinosaur Fossil Hunter - Hunter of the lost dinosaur bones

In Dinosaur Fossile Hunter, the developers at Pyramid Games have included a variety of different dinosaur skeletons for you to find at various excavation sites. The locations are modeled on areas of the USA.


On the trail of giants - In the Paleontology simulation Dinosaur Fossil Hunter from developer studio Pyramid Games, you can set off in search of dinosaur bones. What sounds like a simple job is actually more complex than it first appears.

Indiana Jones of the dinosaurs

The job of a paleontologist is much more time-consuming than simply going somewhere and making a perfect Skeleton to find. Among other things, you have to use special geological scanners to examine the various excavation sites presented to you by the game in order to find the places where dinosaur bones might be buried and mark them with your little flags.

You dig for conspicuous accumulations of rock, which you return to your Base then have to carefully break open layer by layer before you can even get to the bones. Then it's time to clean the bones, prepare them so that they don't disintegrate over time and finally assemble them into a complete dinosaur.


Creative freedom

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter allows you to discover the fossils you collected and restored dinosaur bones in your own little Museum on display. To do this, you can build exhibition platforms, decorate them as you wish and arrange the bones however you like. If you have several bones of the same dinosaur species, you can stage a small hunting scene, for example. But you can also depict peaceful herbivores doing their favorite pastime: eating the leaves of tall trees.

With the Time the museum can be enlarged and expanded so that you can also present the really big finds. Will you manage to find all the fossils to show them to posterity in your museum?

An eye for detail

The developers of Pyramid Games have included a variety of different dinosaur skeletons for you in Dinosaur Fossil Hunter, which you can find at a wide range of excavation sites. The locations are modeled on areas of the USA. By excavating, you not only collect exciting information about the dinosaurs, but you can also discover new ones over time. Unlock equipment and skillsthat make it easier for you to find and excavate the fossils. For example, if you only have a simple shovel to hand at the beginning, you will later be given a pickaxe for harder layers of rock or a chainsaw to remove trees in the excavation site.

But even if the game of paleontology Dinousaur Fossile Hunter follows the real-life processes of excavating and processing dinosaur remains. The Developer have consulted with scientists and invested a lot of time and effort to create the most realistic gaming experience possible.


You can buy the game here:

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