
Against the Storm
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Against the Storm - Build, Manage, Lose, Repeat

Over the course of the game, players will build and manage several small settlements. Each settlement has its own problems to keep an eye on. Sometimes a region is attacked by wild creatures, other times a storm causes major damage. Only if the players keep an eye on the interests of their small civilizations and do not neglect the Queen's wishes can they be successful in Against the Storm.
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Against all odds - In the building simulation Against the Storm from developer studio Eremite Games, players have to build new cities and settlements to provide a safe haven for the various races. Not only does nature play against the players, but even their own ruler becomes impatient if her people do not prosper.

Royal mission

In Against the Storm, published by Hooded Horse, players take on the role of a viceroy and are tasked with repopulating a world devastated by an eternal storm. To this end, players receive a beacon from Burnt Queen that forms the center of each new settlement and the storm at least a can keep little in check. If the beacon goes out, the settlement will also perish.

Players have to construct production buildings such as woodcutters or forges in the classic construction style and combine these with transportation routes so that materials from one place to the next. In return, players receive experience points and gradually unlock new technologies.

Against the Storm
Your town grows with the tasks you have to complete. Be careful in unknown parts of the forest - there could be dangers lurking for your town.

However, players must never think only of their own settlement, but must always bear in mind that they must supply the last capital of the world with resources. If they neglect this task, the impatience of the Queen. When her patience comes to an end, she makes short work of it and reduces the unproductive settlement to ashes with her own hands.


Learning from your own mistakes

There are two decisive factors in Against the Storm, the players. On the one hand, there is the impatience of the Burnt Queen, who can wipe out a settlement, and on the other, there is still a devastating storm raging, which can plunge the settlement into chaos at any time. If a settlement falls, the players have to rebuild it. That sounds hard, but it also offers opportunities.

As nature is constantly changing, the viceroys also always have new factors around them that can make building a new settlement easier or more difficult. Some environments are better suited to certain races than others, which can make a settlement not only visually different, but also offer new abilities or building options that other races may not have had.

Against the Storm
Smart management will get you further. Make sure that all your needs are met.

In addition, players can gradually unlock permanent skills and bonuses if they manage their resources wisely, just like in Rogue Lite. In this way, they don't always have to start from scratch when a settlement falls, but can use the experience gained from their last building experiences to build the next home better and more resilient.

Networking in Against the Storm

Over the course of the game, players will build and manage several small settlements. Each settlement has its own problems to keep an eye on. Sometimes a region is attacked by wild creatures, other times a storm causes major damage. Only if the players keep an eye on the interests of their small civilizations and not the wishes of the queen neglect, they can be successful in Against the Storm.


Fortunately, the settlements can also help each other and, for example, exchange resources in order to the common goal of survival.




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