
Land of the Vikings


#LandOfTheVikings #Review #IcebergInteractive #LapsGames #keymailer

Land of the Vikings - build-up strategy in the Viking world

Land of the Vikings breaks new ground with the inhabitants of your settlement, who are more than just scurrying around as faceless extras. Each Viking is an independent character with over 20 traits and individual strengths and weaknesses.
Link to the Steam Store


If you are a fan of classic build-up strategy adventures and are looking for a representative of the genre that finally comes with a fresh setting, then the game published by Dutch publisher Iceberg Interactive could be just the thing. Land of the Vikings be just the right thing.

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Here, your path leads you to a legendary era in icy Scandinavia: the era of the Vikings, who defied a merciless nature and built flourishing settlements in the hostile regions of Scandinavia. In the strategy title from the developers at Laps Games, you take control of your own village and, in the role of the Jarl, decide whether its inhabitants are led into a promising future or perish in the icy regions.

Especially as the merciless weather conditions and the barren nature are not the only Dangers you are confronted with.

Manage resources and brave the weather in Land of the Vikings

As in every strategy title, the focus in Land of the Vikings is of course on the skillful use of resources. Have your inhabitants cut down trees, cultivate fields, hunt animals or fish in the surrounding fjords to expand your settlement and prepare your population for the approaching winter.


Land of the Vikings
When building your city, you can add many details and place streets individually.

Additional challenges are posed on the one hand by the Natural disastersthat your inhabitants regularly face in the hostile regions of Scandinavia - be it snowstorms, floods or simply the cruel cold of a long winter. So prepare firewood and food supplies to get your Vikings through the winter safely.

If you show the necessary skill in managing your settlement, other Vikings will hear about your rule and decide to offer you their services. Whether you accept or reject new Vikings is up to you. Because even if new inhabitants bring additional fighting or working power with them, they naturally want to be provided with living space, food and more. It is therefore up to you to decide how large your settlement should become.

Defend your homeland and raise new dynasties

But be careful: Not all Viking tribes are well-disposed towards you. Attacks and Looting are almost a daily occurrence in the hostile world of Land of the Vikings. Equip your settlement inhabitants and train them accordingly to enable them to protect themselves against imminent attacks and dangers.

Land of the Vikings
Land of the Vikings also prioritizes your dwellers, so always keep an eye on them.

Land of the Vikings breaks new ground with the inhabitants of your settlement, who are more than just scurrying around as faceless extras. Each Viking is an independent character with over 20 traits and individual strengths and weaknesses. When selecting the inhabitants to whom you assign tasks, pay attention to their statistics and values to ensure that the tasks and missions can be carried out with the best possible yield.


If you manage to keep your settlement and its inhabitants safe over a long period of time and get them through the winter, they will start families and have offspring, which will raise the next generation of Vikings who will keep your settlement alive. Settlement grow and flourish.

A small note at the end: As the strategy title comes with a manageable Budget Unfortunately, there is no translation into German. Instead, all language outputs and on-screen texts are in English and require the appropriate language skills.


A game key for Land of the Vikings was kindly sent to us via made available.





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