
Len's Island - SimplyTommy



Len's Island ★ Dungeon crawler and farming simulation in one package


The adventure game Len's Island is a mixture of a peaceful farming simulation and an exciting adventure game. Survival-game. The players find themselves on an island with a backpack on their back and an axe in their hands. This island is the new home of the player character Len. However, the players cannot book a vacation home and watch the sunset. They have to build their new home themselves.

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Len's Island begins like most construction games. Players control Len from an isometric perspective and start by collecting the necessary resources for an improvised dormitory town. This can be built anywhere on the island, which is designed as an open world. It doesn't take long for players to get to grips with the construction system on Len's Island. Soon a nice house is built and a garden is laid out.

Len explores the island

The Australian development team Flow Studio wants to offer players with Len's Island a varied adventure that they can experience as they wish. Those who only want to build farms, sow fields and harvest crops can do so. At a market in a village on the island, players can sell crops and raw materials for a profit or exchange them for other goods.

However, the island has a whole other side to offer curious adventurers. If you explore the world beyond your own backyard, you will discover dark caves everywhere that no one else dares to enter. Players can buy a sword, fill their rucksack with provisions and venture down into the caves.


Fight monsters and find treasures

The various caves are structured like classic dungeons. Not only exciting secrets await the players there, but also a number of monsters that are out to get Len. Flow Studio not only attaches great importance to a successful Construction simulationbut has also come up with a few ideas for the fights.

Len can roll, dodge and jump. The combat system is not based on weapons, equipment and powers, but on the player's ability to make the best use of these movement options. Light and powerful attacks are available for attacks, which must be used alternately and tactically skillfully.

After a successful expedition, players return to their self-built home, ideally with a treasure in their hands and an exciting adventure in their bones. Then they can enjoy the sunset.

You can buy the game here:

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All images used in this article come either directly from the publisher or developer, for example from official press kits, from public sales pages of the game or program mentioned, or from own photographs taken at events, trade fairs or thematically appropriate occasions with the consent of the persons shown. Freely accessible content that is expressly intended for public use or images generated from licensed accounts using AI may also be used. The rights to the images shown are held by the respective rights holders, such as publishers, developers, photographers or content creators. The publisher or developer is explicitly named in each article, and at least one external link to relevant pages of the game, publisher or developer or to other thematically relevant content is included. All images are used exclusively in the context of journalistic reporting.




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