
The Chant


#Review #TheChant #Horror #keymailer

The Chant - Spiritual retreat turns into a nightmare - Review

Stylistically, the developers of The Chant consciously oriented themselves towards the spiritual movement of the 1970s and offer a world that is dominated by 70s rock, colorful lights and the iconic clothing of the time.
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In collaboration with the publisher founded in 2021 and specializing in unusual gaming experiences Prime Matter the developers of Brass Token publish their Horror adventure The Chant. In terms of gameplay, we are dealing with a survival horror experience, which on the one hand is played in the classic third-person perspective.

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On the other hand, the developers want to score points with various innovative mechanics and a fresh setting. You take part in a retreat on a desert island with a group of esoteric people. At the end of the retreat, you are supposed to achieve complete enlightenment. However, you soon realize that the spiritual journey turns into a dark nightmare and a merciless fight for survival.

The fog causes fear and terror

Unintentionally, during a mystical ritual, a Portal into the so-called fog, which the creative minds behind the adventure describe as a psychedelic world of horror. Monsters emerge from a portal and mercilessly hunt down the participants of the retreat. You just about manage to escape, but you won't get very far. You can only leave the remote island once the portal in the fog has been closed.

The Chant
The story behind the island is shown to you in the form of documentaries... Where's the popcorn?

So you have no choice but to face the horrors of horror and save your group. One of the special gameplay features of The Chant is the fact that you should carefully consider combat situations. In the fog, you have access to resources, spiritual weapons and abilities that can only be used in limited numbers.


This calls for a strategic approach to the options available to you. Or to put it another way: sometimes it simply makes more sense to avoid potential dangers and the associated battles.

Keep body and mind in harmony in The Chant

Another interesting gameplay element of The Chant is the psyche, which is constantly under attack from the horrors around you. So make sure that you always keep your body and mind in harmony. Regular meditation refreshes your mind and protects your body from physical damage. Your spiritual powers also benefit from this. If you neglect your psyche, you will be confronted with the corresponding consequences in the form of eerie hallucinations and other symptoms.

The Chant
On your way you will encounter evil creatures that you can defeat with your scarce resources. Is the fight worth it?

The story of The Chant will not only revolve around the all-dominant fog and its horrors. You will also explore the remote island, interact with the group members of the retreat and discover terrifying insights into the cosmos and its origins. Stylistically, the developers consciously oriented themselves towards the spiritual movement of the 1970s. A world dominated by 70s rock, colorful lights and the iconic clothing of the time can be found here, far removed from the atmospheric horror.

As the atmosphere of a video game naturally stands and falls with its soundtrack, nothing was left to chance here either. The makers managed to secure the services of award-winning video game composer Paul Ruskay, who this time contributed an unmistakable soundtrack that focuses on Electro-rock elements is set.


A game key for The Chant was kindly sent to us via made available.




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