
What Remains of Edith Finch


#WhatRemainsOfEdithFinch #AnnapurnaInteractive #Adventure #Story

What Remains of Edith Finch - Edith alone at home

In small episodes, Edith Finch learns bit by bit how her grandparents, siblings and parents met their demise. The stories could hardly be more different.
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Searching for the past - What Remains of Edith Finch is an adventure game in which a young woman searches for her own story. To do so, she has to work her way through a house that resembles a gigantic labyrinth.

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Young Edith Finch is the last member of her family. Her brothers, parents and grandparents have all died or disappeared. And the family home is always the scene of the crime. Only Edith was lucky and moved out in time.

After the death of her mother, the young woman the family home and a strange key. She decides to return and finally find out what happened to her family. Edith not only has to find her way through labyrinthine corridors and sneaky paths, she also has to find the memories of the deceased.

What Remains of Edith Finch
Story within a story: short episodes tell the background of the individual family members.

In small episodes, Edith Finch learns bit by bit how her grandparents, siblings and parents met their demise. The stories could hardly be more different. Sometimes she slips from predator to predator to satisfy an insatiable hunger. Another time, a creepy comic tells of a courageous heroine and her escape from a murderer. And yet another time, a story is retold through the lens of a camera.


Each story also offers little clues as to where Edith Finch should go next. Hidden keycamouflaged levers and secret passages open up so that the player can continue on his way.

What Remains of Edith Finch
What Remains of Edith Finch manages to whisk players away into an exciting story.

To dream and ponder in What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch is an interactive Adventurethat takes players through the story of a family that couldn't be more different. There were movie stars in the Finch family, Huntersoldiers, adventurers and artists. Their respective rooms in the house are correspondingly different. The players are led from one episode to the next and always experience from the eyes of the deceased their possible last minutes. The whole thing invites you to dream and switch off. In the end, however, the question remains as to what you leave behind, when you leave this world. Because the main character of the game also asks herself: What remains of Edith Finch?




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