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Favorite piece - New game show format with SkylineTV meets collectibles and the stories behind them

There are many favorite pieces - but what if they got their own show? Lieblingsstück on SkylineTV combines a game show, a passion for collecting and great emotions. Adam Wolke elicits the most fascinating stories about his guests' objects. A format with heart and brains that combines pop culture with educational insights. What's behind the idea? And what does the future of the show look like?


Zion - An indie developer provides entertainment

Zion has set itself the goal of packaging entertaining stories in unusual and innovative gaming experiences. As an example of this, I would like to introduce you to three of their works in more detail.

Warhammer 40,000

Warhammer 40K ★ A spectacular journey into the future

There are audio books, classic books, comics and video games. Fans can immerse themselves in the worlds in various ways and experience the universe in all its many facets. If you want to delve even deeper into the world of Warhammer 40k and get an overview of the various races, primarchs, etc., you can find an exciting infographic with further details on