
An Eye for an Eye - TheCGBros


#AnEyeForAnEye @TheCGBros #pirates #shortfilm

An Eye for an Eye - Pirate, small, with eye patch seeks like-minded people

"An Eye for an Eye" is a funny little CGI 3D short film that deals with the biggest problem of a pirate's life: the eye patch. Not only do the captain's drinking expenses pile up because he accidentally drops his glass every time he visits.


Off on a great treasure hunt - the CGI 3D animated short film "An Eye for an Eye" by ESMA shows a funny little pirate adventure that revolves around a captain and his problems with full vision.

Ambitious goals

The little pirate is beside himself with excitement! He has a map to a legendary treasure. He's only missing one little thing: a crewwho wants to join him on the hunt for the treasure. So the one-eyed captain sets off for the nearest tavern to recruit his troop. He does indeed find a troop of willing, unfortunately also one-eyed pirates who are lured by the call for gold and jewels.

Unfortunately, the target seems to be further away than the eye patch pirates can see. The first time they crash the ship directly into a LighthouseThe next time they head for a huge warship. The pirate captain doesn't let these small setbacks stop him. However, after every failure, it's back to the tavern, find new pirates and start all over again!

Foaming dreams in "An Eye for an Eye"

The little pirate captain is close to the target of the gigantic Treasure so close. He is all the more enthusiastic when the gold is finally in sight. But finding the treasure is only half the adventure. All the wealth also has to be brought back to a safe harbor somehow. But it seems as if everything is conspiring against the eye patch pirates. Even sea monsters and gravity stand in the captain's way, reducing the choice of pirates bit by bit. But will fate perhaps turn a blind eye for once?


Loving short entertainment

An Eye for an Eye is a funny little CGI 3D Short moviewhich deals with the biggest problem of a pirate's life: the eye patch. Not only do the captain's drinking expenses pile up because he accidentally drops his glass every time he visits. He also keeps coming up against new obstacles that someone with two eyes might have avoided. Whether there is a happy ending for the captain with the eye patch is not revealed here - you'll have to see for yourself!

An Eye for an Eye

Hier könnt ihr das Spiel kaufen:

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