There are many favorites: an old stuffed animal from childhood, a signed band shirt or a rare Pokémon card from the 90s. But what happens when these personal treasures come into the spotlight? Favorite piece, the new show format on SkylineTV, gives precisely these memories a stage. In the show hosted by Adam Wolke, guests bring along an object that has a special meaning for them. The result is not only exciting stories, but also a playful competition for knowledge and a passion for collecting.
The idea: a mixture of entertaining game show and educational storytelling. The first episode already shows the versatility of the concept: from a cosplayer to a Venom collector to a movie prop fan - the range of stories is as colorful as the favorite pieces themselves. But there is far more behind the scenes than the casual charm might suggest. A high-quality production, elaborate planning and strategic partnerships make Lieblingsstück a show with potential. What happens next? That depends on the audience. One thing is certain: Anyone who likes pop culture, a passion for collecting and good stories should tune in.
When objects tell stories
To find out more about the new format on SkylineTV I asked Stephan, who is heavily involved in the project, about this. In this interview, he explains what Favorite piece and why the concept is so special. But before we get to the questions about Favorite piece enter: Stephan, please introduce yourself and what role you have in the new format of SkylineTV?
My name is Stephan, and I am the producer and concept developer of the format Favorite piece. I was involved in the creative and strategic development right from the start and also worked as a director on location for the first episode. Together with my agency, I oversee the project in terms of organization and content so that it can develop its maximum impact.

What exactly is Lieblingsstück?
Favorite piece is an innovative Entertainment show, in which people bring along a personal object that has a special story for them. Adam Wolke, the host and presenter, leads in-depth and entertaining conversations that move both the viewers and the participants themselves. The show combines light entertainment with emotional depth - something that is rare to find in today's streaming and TV offerings. I came up with the idea for the show because I'm a big fan of "Bares für Rares" and I was missing the connection to Gen Z & Gen Y here. Of course, they are also interested in pop culture, but also in things like watches, Pokemon, trading cards, sneakers, etc., which are not the focus of "Bares für Rares". In format Favorite piece there are also no dealers, but collectors and enthusiasts with a certain passion for something that we want to show the audience. So it's a mixture of entertainment through the game show element and education, where you can still learn something in the show.
Why is the show running with and on SkylineTV channels? What makes Adam's concept so special?
Adam Wolke has worked with SkylineTV a strong platform that stands for original and authentic content. The target group of SkylineTV fits perfectly with the concept of Favorite piece. Adam brings a mix of charisma, empathy and spontaneity to his role as host, which is crucial to bringing the format to life. His ability to tease stories out of people makes the show special and he consciously takes on the role of only getting to know the owner of the favorite piece in the episode and allowing himself to be surprised by what is in store for him. He then naturally conveys this feeling to his viewers, which makes even planned formats seem less linear and more spontaneous.
Who are the people Adam talks to? Who can viewers look forward to seeing in the future?
The guests are a colorful mix of exciting personalities - from creative minds to celebrities to everyday heroes. In the 1st episode we had the lovely Lvcia (Lucy), a very likeable cosplayer and gamer, then Venom collector Christian and Paul from the Froids who collects movie props. In future episodes, viewers can look forward to familiar faces and extraordinary stories, as well as surprises. We attach great importance to ensuring that the guests' objects and stories cover an emotional variety.
A look behind the scenes... from the outside, the format looks "simply" implemented, but there is certainly more to it than that!
Definitely! Every detail, from the selection of guests and their stories to the studio equipment and post-production, requires intensive planning and coordination. Our aim is to create a high-quality yet personal format that is technically on a high level without losing its down-to-earth nature. However, there are still adjustments that need to be made in order to deliver a better result and we are very self-critical in this respect.
You have your own agency that you represent and that sets up the format. Please introduce your work.
My agency myshowmaster takes care of everything, from creative conception and production to brand integration by sponsors. We develop the editorial content for social media and set up other channels. During filming, I sometimes step in as director myself if it fits and is necessary. Behind the scenes, we work to ensure that the format is convincing in terms of content and technology. To market the show, we are helped by the company LIVELINK GmbH, where I am very grateful that this team works with big brands like Sony Pictures, Amazon and others, supported us in marketing. One of the founders of LIVELINK, Sebastian Schotten, has also been involved in the project from the very beginning. Favorite piece and together we try to realize the wishes and goals of our customers. Technically, we work with various service providers such as GentleNerds, where we were able to produce the first episode. They also provided us with the studio set, which created a nice and cozy "living room environment".

How long does the planning take? How many people are involved?
Planning an episode takes several weeks, as many aspects are intertwined. In total, around 10-15 people are directly or indirectly involved in the implementation - including editors, technicians, designers, project managers who communicate with the influencer management and, of course, the core team.
What does it cost to put on a show like this, also with regard to the fact that the participants can also win money? What's it all about?
The production naturally involves costs, especially for studio rental, protagonists' fees, technology and post-production. The prize for the participants is an incentive to open up and share their stories. We want to use the prize money to help participants continue to pursue their passion and support them in doing so. The costs are always a balancing act, as on the one hand we want to produce high-quality work, but on the other hand we also want to remain economical. In such a production effort, the production costs per episode are around 35,000 - 50,000 euros, depending on the circumstances.
You've already revealed that several people are working on the project. But how much of the work behind it is heart and soul?
A lot! Favorite piece is a project close to my heart for me and also for my colleague Sebastian from LIVELINK. Everyone contributes their passion and ideas to make the show special. We are driven by our enthusiasm for good stories and authentic entertainment. Adam has now also gotten an impression after the first episode and together we will continue to develop and improve the show.

Which sponsors can Lieblingsstück look forward to?
We are grateful that we have been able to attract partners who share our vision. We will communicate details of the sponsors soon, but they are companies that belong to both the target group of Favorite piece and correspond to the values of the format.
In the 1st episode it was Sony Pictures, where we have what I consider to be a very authentic and organic integration into Favorite piece have created. There were quests, estimation questions, a collector from the Venom cosmos and we could the trailer for the movie in a playful way. I was particularly pleased with the reactions to the format from creators such as Shlorox, Amar, Lvcia, Ediz, KIESKAUER and the Froids, who conveyed real emotions and played along with their community in the participants' challenges.
What special tasks had to be mastered?
The biggest challenge was to find a studio that met all the technical requirements and at the same time offered an intimate atmosphere. In addition, there was the development of a format that is emotionally profound due to the favorite pieces without being heavy. Our approach is to combine entertainment with something that also gives the viewer an approach where they can learn something and gain more background knowledge about certain areas. Some people might have a treasure in their cupboard and not even know it. I had this "aha moment" when I bought a limited edition plate, which was limited to 300 pieces worldwide and cost less than 200 euros at the time, which I later found on ebay and which was never traded there for less than 2000 euros over several auctions. So I had a treasure on my wall and didn't know it until then. That's storytelling and what makes this format so special.
In which studio is Lieblingsstück filmed?
We shot the first episode in the Froids studio in Berlin Adlershof and are considering working with different studios throughout Germany, as the participants in the favorite pieces come from all over Germany and some favorite pieces are so big that it's not easy to get them into the studio.
How many episodes are planned?
I can't say for sure at the moment, as it depends on the success of the format. The interest of potential participants, the number of clicks and impressions, the funding from partners and sponsors and, of course, Adam's interest play a major role here, as the episodes are broadcast on his YouTube channel in addition to the live phase on Twitch.

Many have criticized the length of the first episode... What do you want to improve about the format and is the length of the show an issue?
The first episode was deliberately a little longer to immerse viewers in the world of Favorite piece to introduce. However, we have taken the feedback seriously and are working on a more dynamic length that maintains the excitement and entertainment value. We are currently talking about keeping an episode at 30-40 minutes, as we don't want to shorten the character of the stories behind the favorite pieces too much. However, we can definitely save time on the game show part and balance the games a little better. In the first episode, for example, there were too many "sticking situations", which made the video very long.
What is planned for the future of Lieblingsstück?
In addition to adapting the format to viewer feedback, we are also thinking about special episodes, collaborations and perhaps even live events. Favorite piece should remain a platform for stories that touch people. But we are taking one step at a time, even if it is exciting to talk about visions and further develop formats.
And to conclude our interview: What was your favorite piece from the first episode?
The Favorite piece of Venom collector Christian was particularly fascinating for me, because I'm really into collectible figures and you could just tell that this was a collector who loves this pop culture topic of comics, films, collectible figures etc.. Something like that is authentic for me and picks me up.
Emotion meets entertainment - the future of Lieblingsstück is promising
After the first episode you can already tell: Favorite piece has what it takes to become a permanent fixture. The concept works because it combines nostalgia, passion and entertainment. Viewers not only get to see fascinating objects, but also the personal stories behind them. This emotional aspect sets the format apart from other shows.
Of course, there are still some adjustments to be made. The length of the first episode was too long for some - a tighter narrative is being planned. The game mechanics will also be further optimized to make the duel for the best favourite piece even more exciting. But the basis is right: Adam Wolke with his charming and spontaneous manner, brings just the right mix of curiosity and humor to put the guests in the spotlight.
Financially, the project is ambitious: With production costs between 35,000 and 50,000 euros per episode each episode is a balancing act between quality and profitability. Sponsors like Sony Pictures help to keep the show at a professional level without losing its authenticity. At the same time, this type of support opens up new possibilities - such as creative product placements that are organically integrated into the format.
The path to the future is not yet set in stone, but the direction is clear: Favorite piece is set to grow. Shorter episodes, possibly changing studio locations and exciting guests - all this is in the pipeline. Perhaps there will even be live events in which the audience can participate directly.
Ultimately, the format thrives on the enthusiasm of everyone involved - both in front of and behind the camera. Whether big names or unknown collectors, every favorite piece tells a story that is worth hearing. So if you think your attic find or sneaker collection is gathering more than just dust, you should consider becoming part of the show. Because one thing is certain: sometimes the greatest value is not in the object itself, but in the memory it carries with it.