
No One Lives in Heaven



No One Lives in Heaven ★ Decide your own destiny


In collaboration with the publisher TopWare Interactive, the developers at SuR Entertainment have released the unusual role-playing game No One Lives in Heavenwhich aims to bring a breath of fresh air to the genre in terms of both gameplay and storytelling. Players take control of a protagonist who encounters numerous characters who have been left alone for years and thus abandoned to their fate.

One of the players' tasks is to listen to the sometimes tragic stories of the characters and support them on their further journey. The special feature of No One Lives in Heaven is that each DecisionThe choices made by the player have a further influence on the fate of the world, its inhabitants and the History of the role-playing game itself.

It is therefore up to the player to decide whether to change the fate of the numerous characters for the better or become a prisoner of their story.

Over 100 different endings and 40 hours of gameplay

All in all, the campaign of No One Lives in Heaven lasts at least 40 hours - depending on the player's approach. According to the developers, the ability to actively influence the further course of the story with your own decisions leads to one of more than 100 different endings. This provides sufficient incentive for another run or two.


But even players who Role play who only want to play through the game once can look forward to plenty of content. With the almost 40 hours required to complete the The main story is by no means the end of the story. Instead, there are over 200 non-playable characters with their very own stories and more than 300 optional side quests. So if you want, you can spend more than 100 hours playing the role-playing game.

To entice potentially interested players, the developers presented the first of a total of six chapters of the unusual Adventures available free of charge. After completing a chapter, all decisions made by the player are carried over to the next chapter.

This means that every decision has corresponding consequences and should be made carefully.


You can buy the game here:

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