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The fascinating world of PC games: Action, adventure, thrilling strategy, immersive RPG's as well as in-depth story games we have gathered for you.



SMALLAND - Big adventure on a small footprint

In Smalland, Merge Games places the player at the very bottom of the food chain, which qualifies him as a tasty snack for the majority of the local wildlife. Accordingly, it is important to be on your guard at all times.

Fallout76 Steel Reign - SimplyTommy

Fallout 76: Steel Reign ★ New update for the flagging MMO

Fallout 76: Steel Reign will continue the story missions about the Brotherhood of Steel and at the same time represent a provisional conclusion. According to the developers, this does not mean that more content about the knights in their power armor will not be released in the future, but for now the current story will be completed.

Last Day of June

Last Day of June - Emotional journey with profound thoughts

Last Day of June takes you on an emotional journey that will touch your heart. In the role of Carl, players search for ways to save June from her impending fate in the individual picture episodes. They have to solve little puzzles and, for example, prepare the car so that it can't start or stop June from driving to the lake altogether.

PC Building Simulator

PC Building Simulator - Build your perfect computer

So that beginners are not overwhelmed by the countless possibilities, the game provides them with useful tips and step-by-step instructions to help them get started. The PC Building Simulator thus also serves as a tutorial for building a real PC, as it reproduces the process of constructing a computer in great detail.

Imagine Earth - SimplyTommy

Imagine Earth - Create your own planet

It goes without saying that not everything always runs smoothly when building and managing your planets. And so in Imagine Earth you are confronted with all kinds of problems, some more and some less serious.

Bee Simulator

Bee Simulator - Busy as a bee

In single player, the busy workers fly from task to task to protect the hive and make the queen happy. In free exploration mode, on the other hand, players can spread their wings freely and discover an area modeled on Central Park in New York.

Shelter 3

Shelter 3 - Insights into a herd of elephants

Above all, the atmosphere between the elephants creates a mystical aura. This can be felt in the interaction between elephants of the same age and in the care shown by large animals towards smaller ones. In addition, evening walks through the countryside sometimes reveal fascinating moments in the elephants' gathering places.