The phone rings. An unfamiliar male voice answers. The mysterious caller tells you that your wife and daughter are under his control. You realize pretty quickly that this is not a bad joke. But what does the madman want from you? In the psychological drama The Works of Mercy, you will have to make questionable decisions that will lead you to your goal... or not.
No good decisions
The virtual reality game "The Works of Mercy" gives you the opportunity to decide the fate of your family yourself. How far would you go to protect your family? Would you become a murderer yourself? Inspired by the films "Disgust" by Roman Polanski and Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", the boundaries between ethics and morality are blurred in The Works of Mercy with each other quite quickly.
You slip into the role of the protagonist, a concerned husband and family man - and feel first-hand that it is possible to reconcile perpetrator and victim. Victim at the same time. Communicate with the people you meet during the game. Choose the answer that you think is right for you from each of them. But be careful - each of your answers will influence the rest of the game. How do you talk to a madman? Always choose your words wisely, because the fate of your wife and daughter is at stake.
The Works of Mercy - Psycho-Drama Next Generation
With the Adventure "The Works of Mercy" creates a photorealistic environment. Using virtual reality goggles, you can not only watch the action from the sidelines, you are right in the middle of it. Reality and vision quickly blur into a surreal environment. What is still real? And what is just the result of your overstrained brain?
Feel for yourself what it feels like to fall into an ever-changing darker world to slide down. At first it's just a prostitute you have to kill, but the kidnapper's orders quickly become more demanding. And soon you have to ask yourself how far you can go to save face. Does the life of a loved one count more than that of a stranger? Find out - the psychological game from the Polish developers of "The Works of Mercy" gives you the opportunity to do just that.
My impression of the game was overwhelming. How do you create a captivating atmosphere in a small space? The answer is obvious: the story. So where do YOU draw your boundaries?
Anyone who would like to watch a Lets Play in advance is cordially invited to do that here. Unfortunately, this is not in VR and is also quite old...