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The fascinating world of PC games: Action, adventure, thrilling strategy, immersive RPG's as well as in-depth story games we have gathered for you.



AlterLife - The new beacon of hope for simulations?

Just like in real life, it is possible to fall in love in AlterLife, move in together and enter into a virtual relationship if you like each other. This can lead to new life stories that players might never have dreamed of.

Assassination in 1942

Assassination 1942 - A history game in live-action format

In live-action sequences and graphic novel episodes, you get to the bottom of your family's long-held secret. What does your grandfather have to do with the deadly attack on SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich on June 4, 1942?

Battle Brothers

Battle Brothers - Dark strategy in the Middle Ages

Morale, injuries, stamina, terrain and equipment are just some of the parameters that a commander has to keep an eye on. In addition, the world is completely regenerated every time a new campaign is started.

Smart Factory Tycoon

Smart Factory Tycoon - Assembly line work and machines

At the heart of Smart Factory Tycoon is the development and expansion of your company. You build products such as squeaky toys, bicycles or teddy bears, manage the individual production steps and later deliver your goods.