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Open World



Dinkum - Conclusion after 50 hours of play

What happens when you mix Stardew Valley with Animal Crossing and add a little Minecraft for spice? The result is an addictive new game. It joins the long list of farm games and, if you look closely, doesn't really offer anything groundbreaking.

Lost Ark

What's the story behind Lost Ark? - An opinion

While you fight your way through the continents, there are also dungeons for the low level area, which you have to tackle alone or with a maximum of four players. You also learn how to mine ore, chop trees, collect plants, fish and dig up relics before you reach the max level.

Myth of Empires

Myth of Empires ★ MMO in an Asian setting

The open-world game Myth of Empires from developer Angela Game and publisher Antiidelay gives gamers all over the world a great deal of freedom thanks to its modular design.

Fallout76 Steel Reign - SimplyTommy

Fallout 76: Steel Reign ★ New update for the flagging MMO

Fallout 76: Steel Reign will continue the story missions about the Brotherhood of Steel and at the same time represent a provisional conclusion. According to the developers, this does not mean that more content about the knights in their power armor will not be released in the future, but for now the current story will be completed.

Shelter 3

Shelter 3 - Insights into a herd of elephants

Above all, the atmosphere between the elephants creates a mystical aura. This can be felt in the interaction between elephants of the same age and in the care shown by large animals towards smaller ones. In addition, evening walks through the countryside sometimes reveal fascinating moments in the elephants' gathering places.

Generation Zero

Generation Zero - Teenagers are the last hope

To unravel the mystery of the machine invasion, players have to fight their way through a Swedish suburb in "Generation Zero". They find many weapons, but also learn how to make grenades as a distraction during the course of the game. Stealth, hiding and evasion become important survival tools, as a direct confrontation usually ends badly for the teenagers.