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Fireworks Mania - Spectacular fireworks on your home screen

According to the developers responsible, one of the greatest strengths of Fireworks Mania is the physics engine, which ensures that no two explosions are ever the same. This means that players will never see the same result in their creations.

Myth of Empires

Myth of Empires ★ MMO in an Asian setting

The open-world game Myth of Empires from developer Angela Game and publisher Antiidelay gives gamers all over the world a great deal of freedom thanks to its modular design.

Weird West - SimplyTommy

Weird West ★ The Wild West with a difference

In the action role-playing game Weird West, players have to find their way in a hostile, imaginative interpretation of the Wild West. In this version of the American frontier from pre-modern times

Lets Play Hype - EinfachTommy

Is the Lets Play HYPE over?

In short, my hype is far from over and the internet proves that there is still a lot of room for improvement. Nevertheless, everyone should and can form their own opinion and simply watch the 60 minutes of entertaining talk.

A Way Out

A Way Out - Can you find a way?

It's about trust, mistrust and compromise. Two men who are strangers to each other have to break out of prison together. But their journey together does not end with the prison break. Their different character traits do not always make working together in A Way Out easy.


Retimed ★ A shooter through time

Many know them, many love them: Multiplayer shooters. Whether 2D or 3D, online or offline, they are fun and require the player to think and act quickly.

Music for your Lets Play - EinfachTommy

Music for Twitch and YouTube

Music means the world and, as one of the emotional elements, forms the most important foundation of an audiovisual work. The pieces on all platforms have met my personal taste in music, but as things stand today, only one has been able to convince me in terms of price/performance.