
Greyhill Incident


#Review #GreyhillIncident #RefugiumGames #Horror

Greyhill Incident - All invaders are gray at night

In Greyhill Incident, the invaders are referred to as "Greys", who with their typical pear-shaped heads with pitch-black eyes and their slender body shapes could have come straight out of a 1950s science fiction film.


More than just weather lights - In the survival game Greyhill Incident from Refugium Games, a small community in the USA is haunted by strange events. Animals are dying, electrical devices are going crazy and strange objects can be seen in the sky. Could these events be pure coincidence? Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

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Greyhill Incident - the fear is spreading

The year is 1992, and in Greyhill, USA, events are piling up that cannot be reconciled with normal life. Common sense be explained. The news reads out flimsy explanations from the government. But the residents of Greyhill are sure that the news is just a pack of lies. They barricade themselves in their homes, organize themselves with walkie-talkies and set up a vigilante group to keep their eyes open at night. Players take on the role of Ryan Baker to find out what's going on in Greyhill and make the otherwise peaceful town a little safer again.

Greyhill Incident
The classic image: the UFO is sighted near a farmhouse and the abduction takes place by tractor beam.

Neighborhood Nobody

Unlike in other horror and Survival games the main character in Greyhill Incident is not an ex-soldier, a tough cop or even remotely a hero. Instead, the developer studio of Refugium Games a completely normal, average guy who joins the vigilante group to protect his hometown. Accordingly, in the game you are not equipped with an assault rifle and a bazooka, but with a baseball bat and an old revolver. Both have a limited shelf life, so Ryan has to think carefully about when to go into open combat and when it might be better to sneak around in a crouch to avoid being noticed from the wrong side.

Great role models in Greyhill Incident

Greyhill Incident feels like a playable episode of The X-Files. As in the series, you have to get to the bottom of the mysterious observations and find clues in the form of hidden documents, videos and similar traces. However, it's not that easy because the individual incidents quickly turn out to be signs of a predetermined Invasion turn out. Aliens have arrived in Greyhill and are on the hunt for the inhabitants in order to study the humans and discover their weaknesses. In the game, the invaders are referred to as "Greys", who appear with the typical pear-shaped heads with pitch-black eyes and their slender body shapes that could have come straight out of a 1950s sci-fi movie.


Greyhill Incident
Greys are not only scary, they are also dangerous. Use your ammunition sparingly. You will need it.

The cold shiver at your back

In order to understand why the Greys have targeted Greyhill of all places, Ryan has to solve secrets and puzzles together with the other inhabitants of the village. It is up to him to decide how he wants to move through the open areas. Sneaking is effective, but can take a long time because the Aliens very tactically and look for new guinea pigs. With his revolver drawn, Ryan is faster, but also calls all the invaders into action.

However, because ammunition is in short supply and the baseball bat doesn't last forever, players are often on the run from the aliens. Although there are hiding places, every passing shadow or crack of a branch can send your pulse racing uncontrollably. This ever-present fear adds a certain spice to the game and drives players to try and overcome the deadly threat around the Mystery of the Greyhill Incident.

You can buy the game here:

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All images used in this article come either directly from the publisher or developer, for example from official press kits, from public sales pages of the game or program mentioned, or from own photographs taken at events, trade fairs or thematically appropriate occasions with the consent of the persons shown. Freely accessible content that is expressly intended for public use or images generated from licensed accounts using AI may also be used. The rights to the images shown are held by the respective rights holders, such as publishers, developers, photographers or content creators. The publisher or developer is explicitly named in each article, and at least one external link to relevant pages of the game, publisher or developer or to other thematically relevant content is included. All images are used exclusively in the context of journalistic reporting.




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