Battle Brothers
#BattleBrothers #battlebros

Battle Brothers - Dark strategy in the Middle Ages

Morale, injuries, stamina, terrain and equipment are just some of the parameters that a commander has to keep an eye on. In addition, the world is completely regenerated every time a new campaign is started.

The company has been ordered to take out the raiders, including their leader Hoggart the - damned - weasel. However, we were ambushed and a large part of our mercenary force, including our leader, has already been killed. That's why we're taking over in Battle Brothers the command and have to prove that we can pull out some strategic aces.

Save the day and take the lead

So every new campaign begins in Battle Brothers and throws us straight into its dark medieval world and into the first battle. The game describes itself as a "turn-based tactical RPG" and by no means understates the case. Battles are tactically demanding and can drive even experienced commanders to white heat. Morale, injuries, stamina, terrain and equipment are just some of the parameters that a commander has to keep an eye on. In addition, the world is completely regenerated for each new campaign. There are a number of different sized Citieswho belong to different factions. So we, as an independent mercenary force, have the choice of who we hire.

But mercenaries want to eat and drink, go into battle and get paid. We will hardly be able to take a break... and so we will make decisions without ceasing and thus decide our fate. of our mercenary troops determine.

Will we make it?

At the beginning, we can select the difficulty level and even play in Ironman mode (for the Rogue-like fans). However, Battle Brothers is not for weak strategists and you should be prepared for failure. It is therefore better to start by forging small irons and optimizing your tactics.

The end game is particularly challenging and takes the form of one of the following three DisastersThe human factions are at war, orcs and goblins are trying to conquer human settlements, necromancers are raising a huge horde of undead... Our mercenary troop gets to work on the proverbial bacon and save the world.

Medieval strategy from Germany

Overhype Studios is an independent game development studio from Hamburg. "With Battle Brothers, we are trying to recreate the creativity, complexity and originality of the old days, when game developers were passionate gamers and not businessmen." With these words on their website, the team is making a clear statement. The original X-Com, Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat and Jagged Alliance are the big ones. Role models and served as Inspiration for Battle Brothers.



Hi, I'm Tommy! I stream games on Twitch, publish videos on YouTube and write articles - for great people on the internet. My goal is to make more out of my hobby and my passion for games.

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