Return of the Tentacle

Apply to SpieleCheck ★ Creative minds welcome

SpieleCheck is a German independent gaming magazine and is on its way to becoming a major brand in the gaming scene. We want to unite gamers, lovers of all gaming genres, nerds, freaks, whatever role you play. In short: SpieleCheck is a multiplayer format!

Guest authors and guest contributions welcome! - For a joint conquest of the gaming news world.

Apply as an editor at SpieleCheck

We are looking for committed, passionate writers who have the confidence to work as editors or who enjoy writing articles and would like to gain some experience.

The requirements at SpieleCheck are that you have a basic interest in editorial work and enjoy writing - but you should be familiar with spelling and sentence structure. Many people don't dare to apply because they don't think they are suitable. Take courage, there is no such thing as "wrong" here! Mutual help and criticism, as well as appreciation of the work done, are very important here.

Apply now! - Quite simply with 2-3 reading samples or references.

You don't have any reading samples? Write an article of at least 250 words on a topic of your choice.

Possible articles are e.g: Gaming (game presentations, comparisons, reviews), (gaming) computer technology, technology comparisons, Entertainment (e.g. podcasts, films / short films, music)
Not desired: Articles about gambling / lotteries / online casinos / pornography / politics / religion

The important thing is to be yourself, be honest, be creative.

You can expect at SpieleCheck

  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Loose hierarchy
  • Flexibility, private and professional life have priority
  • Occasional meetings as and when possible, including at trade fairs such as Gamescom

What you bring with you:

  • Honest interest in the above-mentioned topics / subject areas
  • Good knowledge of German, good grammar
  • Written and spoken English (for English-language research)
  • Critical faculties
  • Willingness to learn
  • Time for proper research with subsequent article creation
  • Internet access
  • Flexibility with external topics
  • Gladly seen: Some political interest

Your tasks:

  • Reporting / article creation on the above-mentioned topics
  • at least 1 post / article per month
  • Orientation towards the general style of the magazine
  • Review creation based on own games and sponsored games (chance to win game keys)
  • Participation in joint editorial meetings via Discord
  • Optional: Entering the articles in WordPress, including cropping, optimizing and uploading post images

Are you serious? Prove it through reliability and activity.

SpieleCheck is currently a purely subsidized business. Although financial income is generated, this flows into the ongoing operation of the website and the associated costs. Channels. Every applicant should therefore be aware that there will be no remuneration for contributions in the form of articles and audiovisual media for the foreseeable future.

We run the magazine as a professional hobby, with the aim of becoming a major brand in the gaming scene.

With diligence and creativity, we can work together in a future-oriented way and create a magazine that is worth seeing and reading!

We look forward to receiving your application! Just write an e-mail to - Quite simply with two or three reading samples or references.

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